Who We Serve

UCAP students are full of hope and possibilities. Their imaginations soar with visions of what their future holds. However, the socioeconomic and other challenges many face has put them at risk. Most urban schools are not able to provide the personalized support our students require.

The UCAP School is dedicated to doing whatever it takes to meet the needs of students who are at risk. According to RI Kids Count, students from urban schools are at great risk.

Among children from Providence
  • 32% will witness or experience domestic abuse
  • One of every 16 will test positive for lead poisoning

* According to RI Kids Count

We reinvigorate students and open their minds to a world of possibilities. Beyond high school success, our students
 develop the skills, camaraderie 
and confidence to continue 
on as active, engaged
 members of our

75 Carpenter Street Providence RI 02903   |   401-272-0881

The teachers and staff never gave up on me.

Jesus Nunez, former UCAP student

Freshman at Johnson & Wales University studying business administration